Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Clear Creek partners with families in leading children to know, love, serve, and follow Jesus Christ. We want them to understand the depths of God's love and how they are created for a special purpose. Through Bible classes and special events, we disciple and shape our community through each generation of young believers.
Bible Classes & info
- Classes begin at 10:15am: Infant, Preschool, & Elementary classes
- Nursery (up to 2 years old) and Wee Worship (ages 3-5) in the preschool wing: During Worship at 9:00am and 11:15am
Upcoming Lessons
December Christmas Lessons
- God Promises a Son
- God's Promise Fulfilled
- Salvation for the whole world
- Not Just a Baby!
Who is the Holy Spirit? (Acts 1 - 10)
- The Holy Spirit is God
- The Holy Spirit Empowers
- The Holy Spirit Helps Me Grow
- The Holy Spirit Equips
For Family Devotions, use this link to access the Clear Creek Parent Group.
Upcoming activities
- Jan. 8, 15, 22 & 29, Wednesdays: 3rd-5th Grade Leadership Training Workshop | (6:30-7:30pm) Elementary Wing. Each Wednesday, boys and girls will learn and practice skills for our group to welcome residents at Martin Boyd Nursing Home on Sunday, Feb. 2 (3:00pm). Please register.
- Feb. 2, Sunday: Martin Boyd worship led by 3rd-5th graders | (3:00-4:00pm) at Martin Boyd Nursing Home
- Feb. 6, 13, 20 & 27, Thursdays: Baking Through the Bible | (4:30-5:30pm) at the home of Jennifer Spry. Kindergarten through 5th grade girls are welcome to participate in this discipleship workshop. Participants will have a short Bible lesson and then bake a recipe together that corresponds. Please register.
- April 6 & 13, Sundays: Journey Through Jerusalem | (10:15-11:00am) in the Children's Wing. Children take an interactive journey with Jesus during the days before Easter.
- April 20, Sunday: Easter Sunday
- May 4, Sunday: Parent Point for 5th Grade Parents | (10:15-11:00am) in the children's wing
- July 24-27, Thursday-Sunday: Summer Camp
For those who have completed grades 3-5. Details and registration to come.
- Please complete an updated Children's Registration Form for our records this year (one per family). Print/return or complete a copy provided at the Children's Welcome Desk. Thank you!
- For children that need special accommodations in our care and classes, please complete this FORM for us to better understand and minister to your family. Thank you!
- If you are a parent of a child 5th grade and under, complete this form to receive communications from our Children's Minister, Laura Harbin.
Our children's ministry is committed to helping you nurture your child's spiritual growth at home.
Be intentional about discipleship while on-the-go with these short podcasts!
Streetlights Bible on Spotify for audio version of the New Testament. Great for listening to at home or in the car!
Streetlights Bible on Spotify for audio version of the New Testament. Great for listening to at home or in the car!
- Gospel Shaped Family
- Renew Nation
- Legacy Coalition
- Focus on the Family
- Not Consumed
- First Things First
- Crazy Cool Family
- Family Discipleship Apps: Parent Cue and D6
- How to Begin Teaching the Bible with Kids
- Ways to Help Your Family Faith Grow
- Discipleship in the Home
- Parent Cue
- RightNow Media: Get your Free RightNow Media account.
- First Things First: Parenting Resources
- For several discipleship resources, check out biblestoryprintables
- Preschool Sermon Notes: Print each week for your preschool child to use when they worship in person or online.
- Play Through the Bible for Toddlers and Twos
- RightNow Media: Kids Shows, Bible story cartoons, puppet shows, movies, and science videos.
- Kids at Home: Kids Church at Home
- Toddler Story Time: How Did You Come to Bible Class
- Preschool Post
- Elementary Sermon Notes: Print each week for your elementary child to use when they worship in person or online.
- Check the Mailbox! Take time to draw a picture and write a note saying hi to a friend or family member you miss seeing. It will be them great cheer to hear from you and a reminder of how much they are loved by you and God.
- Books of the Bible Song Links:
- Old Testament
- New Testament